Design of Communication, Sensitization and Visibility Strategy for H20 Jamaica

Design of Communication, Sensitization  and Visibility Strategy for H20 Jamaica

The diverse ecosystems of Jamaica’s watersheds and coastal areas face anthropogenic and natural threats. Its communities and economy are also highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to its geographic location and topography. "Jamaican Path from Hills to Ocean (H20)” is the critical intervention needed to preserve the ecosystem and its biodiversity.

The Overall objective of this intervention is to increase the Knowledge and Public Awareness of Integrated and Sustainable Landscape Management to reduce the vulnerability of the Jamaican ecosystems from the hills to the ocean and strengthen the resilience of communities within the targeted watersheds against the adverse effects of climate change.

--> in order to achieve this objective AESA Hungary will deliver a Communication, Visibility and Sensitization Strategy and Plan for the H2O project.


The expected outcomes to be achieved are:

1. Improve the visibility of the work and achievements of the EU-funded H20 project among the general public and relevant public-private-civic stakeholders.

2. Improve the accessibility to information on Integrated and Sustainable Landscape Management Principles and Practices (ISLMPP) that protect watershed and coastland ecosystems and livelihoods and build resilience to climate change related impacts.

3. Residents and private-civic stakeholders of targeted communities empowered with the knowledge and tools need to make informed decisions on the ISLM actions need sustainably steward the natural resources and protect their livelihood.