Support to programming and formulation Green Deal and Team Europe Initiative

Support Peru in tackling climate and environment-related challenges, fomenting the transition towards a circular and carbon neutral economy and growth that is decoupled from resource use, protecting its natural capital. More in depth: 

  • Assist the EU programming exercise 2021-2027, in line with the (draft) guidelines;
  • Assist the further definition, launch and coordination of the Team Europe Green Deal initiative;
  • Assist the identification and formulation of specific EU Green Deal-related cooperation action in Peru;
  • Support donor coordination.


The following services will be provided by our experts:

  • A work plan based on the proposed methodology, further developing the methodology for the assignment, including an identification of actors, a proposal how to implicate them, and an indicative timetable of activities;
  • Green Deal relevant sections of the draft geographic MIP 2021-2027, in time and quality to allow the Delegation to submit the draft by end-December 2020;
  • Green Deal relevant sections of the final geographic MIP 2021-2027, in time and quality to allow the Delegation to submit the final MIP by mid-April 2021;
  • A draft and final detailed description for the Green Deal Team Europe initiative with a definition of roles and indicative contributions of EU actors, indicative timetable, coordination and communication mechanisms, etc;
  • Action document(s) for an EU action for funding under the MIP 2021-2027, initially in draft versions that are to be refined as the identification and formulation process advances.